Master The Glute Ham Developer Machine (GHD) Feb 09, 2022

The Glute Ham Developer Machine (GHD) is arguably the best and most versatile
machine to strengthen your posterior chain. Bullet proof your hamstrings by mastering
the following progressions:
1) Back Extension: The most basic and simple exercise to start building
foundational strength in the low back...

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3 Proven Ways To Build Muscle Jan 31, 2022

Building and maintaining muscle is the primary goal for all lifters. Maintaining muscle mass and strength is perhaps the single greatest thing we can do to improve longevity and quality of life. In fact, strength training in general is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth as humans....

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The Nordic Deadlift Jan 25, 2022

Are you an experienced lifter that wants to try a novel exercise that will torch your hamstrings? Let me introduce you to the Nordic Deadlift (ND). I would consider the ND to be a close relative to the gold standard of hamstring strength, The Nordic Hamstring Curl (NHC). I recently broke my ankle...

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What Do Most Dedicated Lifters Miss in Their Training? training Jan 18, 2022

This answer is simple. Work Capacity. Simply defined as an individual’s ability to perform as much work as possible in a prescribed amount of time. Or an individual's ability to perform a prescribed amount of work as quickly as possible. 

While most “dedicated” lifters will...

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Squat Progressions training Jan 05, 2022


The Squat is a foundational movement pattern that all trainees should learn. I would argue the squat to be the single most “value for time” exercise of all as it strengthens over 200 muscles in your body and hits the major muscle groups...

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Always Prioritize Protein⁣ nutrition Jan 03, 2022

If you’re obese or a bit on the fluffy side, it’s for one reason: you’ve likely developed an unhealthy relationship with food where you regularly consume more calories than your body burns. That’s it. You mindlessly eat for pleasure overeating on carbs and fats instead of...

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The Trap Bar Squat training Dec 29, 2021

What’s the KING of all lifts? It’s an age-old question. One camp will argue it’s the back squat.
The other camp will argue it’s the deadlift. You can certainly make compelling arguments for
both lifts, but ultimately there’s no right answer. Most will base their...

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