Squat Progressions

training Jan 05, 2022


The Squat is a foundational movement pattern that all trainees should learn. I would argue the squat to be the single most “value for time” exercise of all as it strengthens over 200 muscles in your body and hits the major muscle groups in the legs and posterior chain. Here are the proper squat progressions to effectively learn the squat pattern from beginner level to advanced:

THE GOBLET SQUAT-The Goblet squat is the best starting point for beginners as nearly every trainee will find it intuitive and simple to learn. I like to start beginners squatting down to a medicine ball to ensure proper depth with feet slightly wider than hip width and toes angled slightly out. Use a dumbbell or kettlebell to load the goblet squat and ensure the hands are directly under the weight while keeping the elbows tight to the body. I love the goblet squat because it’s a front loaded squat which reinforces correct positioning with your chest up and back flat. 

THE ZOMBIE SQUAT/FRONT SQUAT-Once you’ve mastered the basic goblet squat, then introduce the barbell. The Zombie Squat can and should be learned in just a matter of minutes and is a great progression to teach new trainees the proper front rack position. The Zombie Squat forces the trainee to allow the bar to rest across the shoulders/clavicle instead of in the hands. Once you get the feel for the zombie squat, then simply get in a proper front rack position if you have the mobility, keeping your elbows high and hands/fingers around the bar. The Front squat is an incredible movement to build leg/core/upper back strength practiced in Olympic lifting/Crossfit.

THE BACK SQUAT-The Back Squat is the single greatest exercise to develop both strength and muscle as it’s the variation where you can lift the most weight. I believe it’s best to learn the back squat once you’ve mastered the front loaded squat so you’ve dialed in the proper squat mechanics and foundational strength before you really add load. 

THE OVERHEAD SQUAT-The Overhead squat is the most advanced squat variation that requires a high degree of overhead strength and mobility. Again, the overhead squat is a requisite squat variation for both Olympic Lifting and CrossFit. 


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