What Makes Any Diet Successful

nutrition Dec 15, 2021

In today’s world of social media, we are constantly bombarded with new diets or trendy eating
strategies. With nonstop content, it can be difficult to decipher between legitimate nutrition
advice and utter nonsense. We fall victim to information overload, never know what to believe
and end up lost in the process when it comes to our own nutrition.
The sad reality is that nutrition “experts” will make everything as convoluted and complicated as
possible when they can profit off your ignorance. Knowing what and how to eat should be
common knowledge to everyone. While nutrition can seem ridiculously complicated, I want to
simplify nutrition for you once and for all.
Here’s what REALLY MATTERS in ANY Diet:


To reiterate, the order of priority on any diet should be:
#1 Calories: Calories are KING (calories in vs. calories out). If you’re energy balance is off,
you’ll never reach your goals.
#2 Macronutrient Split: Ensure you have a properly balanced macronutrient split (you can
never go wrong with a 35/35/30 split of protein/carbs/fats). Another good rule of thumb is to
consume 1-1.5 grams of protein/lb of bodyweight or lean body mass (if you’re over 25%
bodyfat) and then fill in the rest of your calories with carbs & fats as desired.
#3 Food Composition: Minimize packaged/processed foods and eliminate seed/vegetable oils
entirely if possible. Instead, eat as much real whole high quality nutrient dense food as possible.
#4 Nutrient Timing: Your body doesn’t really care WHEN it gets fed, it cares way more about
HOW MUCH and WHAT you feed it. Nutrient timing can play a more important role if you’re an
elite athlete or bodybuilder, but for the everyday day lifter it doesn’t make a significant
difference. Just aim for 2-3 solid meals/day.
#5 Supplements: Remember supplements are called “supplements” because they
SUPPLEMENT your diet!!


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