Top 5 Weighted Carries

training Dec 15, 2021

Weighted carries are undeniably the most functional training you can do. Literally every
person with two arms and two legs will have performed some form of weighted carry at
some point in their life. So if you’re not incorporating weighted carries into your training,
you should be, there’s much more to “strength” than just barbells and dumbbells.

1) Front Loaded Carry:

Most commonly done with heavy sandbags or stones,
but any kind of carry that requires bear hugging a heavy object constitutes a front
loaded carry. Anyone that’s ever done heavy front loaded carries will attest that
it’s a very “high value for time” exercise. The front loaded carry challenges every
muscle in your posterior chain while improving both functional strength and work

2) Farmers Carry:

Arguably the most functional movement ever. This movement
makes your entire body strong, especially your traps, forearms, and grip. Any
heavy object you can carry in both hands works well. Trap bar carries are
another great alternative. If performing a farmers carry for functional strength,
training with heavy loads for distance is best.

3) Suitcase Carry:

One of the best ways to improve core strength and to teach
your body how to resist lateral flexion. Suitcase carries improve your body’s
ability to stabilize unilaterally and strengthen your transverse abdominis and
obliques. Even though you’re using half the load, a suitcase carry is arguably
more challenging than a farmers carry simply due to the unilateral demand and

4) Front Rack Carry-

While these can also be done with kettlebells or a yoke, a
front rack carry with a heavy barbell works like a charm. This variation places a
huge demand on both your mid/upper back and your abs. Anyone that’s ever
done heavy high-rep front squats knows that it’s not your leg strength that’s the
limiting factor, it’s your midline strength. Incredible exercise.

5) Uneven Carry-

This weighted carry really carries over to everyday life. Think of a
parent holding a child with one arm and a bag of groceries in the other. Uneven
carries are a great and simple way to build functional core to extremity strength.
Make sure to always hold the heavier weight at the hip and the lighter weight at
the shoulder or overhead.


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