Top 3 Exercises for Rotational Core Strength

Dec 12, 2021

For a strong and functional midsection, train more than just your visible abdominal muscles. Try
these 3 exercises to get the most “bang for your buck” when training rotational core strength.

1) Suitcase Carry-

While it may seem counterintuitive, one of the best ways to improve
rotational core strength is to train anti-rotational strength. The Suitcase carry is an
excellent unilateral exercise that crushes your transverse abdominis and oblique
muscles. Make sure to resist lateral flexion by keeping your body as upright as possible
not letting the weight pull you down. You will feel your core muscles working in a whole
new way that builds both strength and stability.

2) Barbell Trunk Twist-

What better way to train rotational strength than twisting a
weighted barbell side to side? The barbell trunk twist activates basically every core
muscle you have making it an incredibly functional exercise. Consciously flex your abs
and obliques as hard as possible while twisting the bar from side to side. Pivot on your
toes and keep your arms as straight as possible to avoid your upper body from taking
over. Hit 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps per side with moderate weight.

3) GHD Oblique Crunch-

If you have access to a GHD or 45 degree back extension
machine use it. This simple exercise is much harder than it looks and smokes your
obliques. Make sure to set-up lying on your side, with your hip bone digging into the pad,
and your feet crossed. This unorthodox set-up allows you to train with an increased
ROM and really isolates the transverse abdominis and obliques. 3 sets of 8-10 reps per
side is a good place to start.


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