Top 3 Ab Exercises

training Dec 12, 2021

Want elite level abdominal strength? Master these 3 exercises to take your bodyweight strength
to the next level.

1) The Standing Rollout-

One of the most challenging ab exercises, but also one of the
most beneficial. If you can master the standing rollout it’s safe to say your abs are strong
AF. Use the ramp method or a standing rollout with band assistance to help you gain the
requisite strength.

2) L-Sits -

Arguably the single most value for time abdominal exercise. You incorporate a
tremendous amount of muscle with this exercise as you're basically using your entire
anterior chain: Abs, pecs, hip flexors, quads. Start with the bent knee variations and
gradually progress to straight legs. These never get easier, you just get stronger.

3) Dragon Flags-

If you’re a Bruce Lee fan you’ve undoubtedly seen this exercise before.
The Dragon Flag lights up your abs and significantly improves relative abdominal
strength. Avoid breaking at the hips if you want to keep maximal tension on the abs.
Start with one or both legs bent and progress to straight legs as you get stronger.


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