Bodyweight Pulling Progressions

training Dec 18, 2021

Performing a perfect strict pull-up is a milestone that every lifter should strive for.
However, acquiring the requisite strength to perform a strict pull-up with your own
bodyweight presents quite a challenge for many. Master these bodyweight pulling
progressions and not only will you improve your relative strength, but you’ll be well on
your way to getting that elusive first strict pull-up.
1) THE RING ROW-The most fundamental rowing variation. Before you ever worry
about strict pull-ups, master the ring row first. Start with your body high, and as
you get stronger, lower your body gradually until you can perform the ring rows
horizontally with feet elevated.
2) SEATED PULL UP- This variation is a great way to introduce the vertical pulling
pattern to beginners as it allows you to train the full range of motion of the pull-up
without overloading the tissues before they are ready. Seated pull-ups are a
great way to bridge the gap between the ring row and the strict pull-up.
3) CHIN OVER BAR HOLDS-Again, before we can worry about pulling our chin
above the bar, we must first build the strength to hold our chin above the bar.
Chin over bar holds develop the requisite bent arm strength required to perform a
strict pull-up. Start by holding your chin above the bar for 3 sets of 20 seconds.
4) PULL-UP NEGATIVES-We are always stronger on the eccentric phase than the
concentric phase of any exercise. Pull-up negatives essentially build strength
throughout the entire range of motion of the pull-up. Make sure to start with a
chin over bar hold and to lower yourself down slowly under control until your
arms are fully extended. 5 sets of 5 reps with a 5 second negative on each rep is
a good place to start.
5) LAT PULLDOWN/ASSISTED PULL-UP MACHINE-If you have access to these
machines use them. These exercises are a very simple and effective way to
gradually and progressively build the requisite strength for the strict pull-up.
These machines are great as they can be done by all ability levels and can also
be used in conjunction with the bodyweight pulling progressions.


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