The Seated Sliding Strict Press

training Dec 12, 2021

Nothing trains the shoulders better than the overhead press (OHP). The only problem: many lifters that have been in the iron game for a long time develop cranky shoulders and lose the ability to press overhead pain free. While dumbbells are a great alternative for many, there’s just
something special about pressing a barbell overhead. Let me introduce to you the seated sliding strict press. Very similar to the Smith Machine OHP, but even better in my opinion. I love this variation as the added friction of sliding the bar against the rack increases the resistance of the lift. It also ensures you’re pressing with a perfectly vertical bar path. This offers 3 major benefits:
1) You can increase the mechanical tension of the lift without actually increasing weight
2) It better isolates the deltoids as you eliminate any cheating or compensation from other muscles such as your pecs
3) You are more likely to be able to press the bar in a pain free range of motion

So if you love overhead pressing but the traditional military press hurts you, the seated sliding strict press could be your perfect solution to still build some boulder shoulders.


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