The Only Abdominal Exercise You Really Need

training Dec 15, 2021

After training myself for well over 20 years, I’ve done and seen nearly every exercise known to
man. After all this time I’ve come to the realization that the best and most effective way to train is to keep training as simple as possible. While there are literally endless ways to directly train the abdominals, no direct abdominal exercise offers you more “value for time” than the classic ab wheel rollout. Here’s the proper progression so even a total beginner can work their way up to master the standing roll out:

1) The Kneeling Ab Roll out w/ramp-

Oftentimes individuals will ignore the kneeling ab
wheel altogether because it’s simply too difficult, and instead prioritize easier (inferior)
exercises. You’re never going to get strong taking the easy road.
For some new trainees, the kneeling rollout from the ground can be too difficult and
place unnecessary stress on the low back. However, you can eliminate that risk simply
by performing the ab wheel at an angle (up a ramp) making the movement both easier
and safer.

2) The Kneeling Ab Rollout-

The most common and appropriate starting point for most
people. Make sure to fully extend out each rep maintaining anterior pelvic tilt (squeeze
your glutes) throughout the entire rep. Anterior pelvic tilt allows you to keep all the
tension on the abdominals and avoid placing any unneeded stress on the low back.
Once you can competently perform 3 sets of 10 perfect kneeling roll outs, you’re most
likely ready to move onto the next progression.

3) The Standing Ab Roll out w/Ramp-

I consider this progression to be the missing link
for 99% of people if they want to master the standing roll out. There is a HUGE strength
gap between the kneeling ab wheel and the standing ab wheel from the ground. The
best part about the standing rollout using the ramp method is that it allows you to bridge
that strength gap both safely and effectively. Start with the ramp high, and as you get
stronger you can lower the angle of the ramp to increase the difficulty.

4) The Band Assisted Standing Ab Rollout-

I received a fair amount of criticism about the
ramp method being impractical, and while I still believe this to be the best method to gain
the requisite strength to get your standing ab wheel, the band assisted ab wheel offers
another helpful and more practical alternative to allow you to start training the standing
ab wheel. Simply loop one end of the band around an anchor point and the other end of
the band around the ab wheel. Use the assistance of the band to allow you to train the
full range of motion of the movement.

5) The Standing Ab Rollout-

Undoubtedly the king of direct abdominal exercises. In all my
years of training, I’ve yet to find another abdominal movement that places as much
tension and stress on the abdominals compared to the standing rollout. The contraction
you feel when doing these is literally INSANE and it makes every other abdominal
exercise feel easy (at least to me). I assure you if you can competently perform multiple

repetitions of a standing roll out, you possess elite level abdominal strength and
mastering basically any other abdominal exercise will not be an issue.


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