Neck Training

training Dec 15, 2021

Want to build a thick and strong neck? Unfortunately a decent 4-way neck machine is hard to
come by in most commercial gyms, but you can do these two simple neck exercises in basically
any gym with minimal equipment:

1) The Plate Neck Crunch-

All you need for this exercise is a weight plate, a bench, and a
small towel. First lie on your back on the bench with your head unsupported and place
the center of the weight plate on your forehead holding the plate in place with your
hands. Then extend your head back and down first and then crunch your head back up
up taking your chin to your chest. Make sure to let your neck do the majority of the work,
only using your arms to keep the plate steady. Such a simple and effective exercise to
hit anterior musculature in the neck. Performing 3 sets of 12-15 reps is a good starting

2) The Banded Push Away -

Using a medium band, place both feet inside one end of the
band and place the other end of the band over the back of the head. I recommend
placing a towel over the back of the head first for comfort. As you extend your head up
and back, push the band away from you with your hands. This creates the proper
tension and resistance to effectively target the posterior musculature of the neck. Again,
I recommend performing 3 sets of 12-15 reps to start out.


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