Isometric Holds

training Dec 15, 2021

Most of us associate “Strength” just by how much weight is on the bar. However,
strength comes in many forms. While training absolute strength is important, when it
comes to overall health and longevity, training relative strength is just as, if not more
important. How to improve your relative strength? Start with these basic bodyweight
isometric holds:

1) Bent Arm False Grip Hold:

Think you have a strong upper body? This exercise
will humble even the strongest lifters. Bent arm false grip holds build tremendous
upper body strength especially in the forearms and biceps. If you’ve never
trained false grip strength, start. If you struggle to perform the false grip holds,
scale back and master chin over bar holds first.

2) Ring Support Holds:

If competent in strict push-ups and strict dips, progress to
Ring support holds with gymnastic rings. The unstable nature of the rings present
a challenge, but the instability also forces all your stabilizer muscles to switch on
thus improving strength. Aim to keep the rings tight to your hips with your thumbs
pointing straight ahead, or ideally externally rotated. If you’re new to the rings,
start with ring push-up holds.

3) L-sit Holds:

One of the best exercises to improve relative strength and to also
strengthen the anterior chain. Proper L-sits are extremely challenging and require
a fair amount of requisite strength. However, you can easily modify this exercise
by performing the L-sit on an elevated surface with bent knees.

4) Chest Facing the Wall Handstand Hold:

Most individuals should start with their
chest on the ground and walk their feet up the wall to the handstand. Make sure
to keep your legs straight and together with your hands stacked directly under
your shoulders. A proper handstand hold strengthens the shoulders, traps,
triceps, wrists, and also improves scapular strength and control.


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