Bodyweight Pushing Progressions

training Dec 12, 2021

Building elite level bodyweight pushing strength is simple, but it’s not easy. The fact is that far
too many individuals lack the patience and the know-how to effectively build foundational upper
body strength. Too often we rush and skip steps. Unfortunately this often leaves us with subpar
results or injured in the process.
Follow this SIMPLE and easy to remember Progression so you too can build elite upper body

1) 5x15 PERFECT strict push ups-

I’ll be blunt, if you cannot perform 5x15 perfect
unbroken strict push ups in 15 minutes or less, you have no business trying to learn any
kind of bodyweight dips. Swallow your ego, regress, and master this basic movement
first. Perfect strict push ups lay the foundation for bodyweight pushing strength. It’s
literally that simple. Avoid cheating reps by keeping your elbows slightly out and away
from your body maintaining constant tension on the pecs, triceps, and front delts.

2) 3x10 PERFECT Bar Dips-

Performing dips at bodyweight is significantly harder than
strict push ups, but if you’ve built the requisite strength by mastering perfect push-ups
first, you will have no issues completing 3 sets of 3-5 perfect bar dips from the start. If
you struggle, complete more sets of low reps. Make sure you’re lowering to at least 90
degrees each rep. Once you can competently perform 3 sets of 10 perfect reps to 90
degrees, move onto the next progression

3) 3x10 Parallel Bar/Box Dips-

Now perform dips with parallel bars or boxes without
anything blocking your head to ensure you can go as low as possible. Remember
strength is only gained in the range that it’s trained. So it’s paramount your shoulder
passes well below the elbow every rep for 3 sets of 10 perfect full ROM reps.

4) Ring Dips-

By far the most advanced version of bodyweight dips due to the instability of
the rings. However, if you’ve mastered the above progressions FIRST, you should have
the requisite strength to overcome the unstable nature of the rings. Like any other
bodyweight dip, emphasize full ROM. Once you’re strong enough, keep the rings pinned
at your hips and turn your thumbs out at the top of the rep.


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