Barbell Bent Over Row

training Dec 18, 2021

Want to build brute strength and power? Then make the Barbell Bent over row a staple exercise
in your training program. This rowing variation is commonly done by strongman competitors and
powerlifters alike, it was also a favorite lift of the greatest powerlifter of all time Ed Coan, and 6-
time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.
While there’s different variations of barbell bent over rows, the variation I’m performing in the
video is commonly referred to as “power rows” or “Deadstop bent over rows”, and the main
purpose of this variation is to develop explosive pulling strength to carry over for your deadlift.
Like many lifters, I am not a bodybuilder and do not train solely for muscle hypertrophy. I’ll be
the first to admit this may not be the best rowing variation from a hypertrophy standpoint.
However, I still consider the barbell bent over row to be an incredibly effective back builder for
thickness/density when done consistently with a challenging weight.
Important to note that using a bit of body english is not only acceptable but encouraged for this
rowing variation. Using a bit of momentum allows you to train the exercise with the full range of
motion which better develops the back.
Programming: I prefer performing bent over rows as a strength accessory following deadlifts.
Performing bent over rows immediately after heavy deadlifts is especially beneficial as it allows
you to take advantage of the post-activation potentiation effect allowing seemingly heavy
weights to feel lighter than usual to the lifter. However, the bent over row is an excellent
compound exercise and can certainly be programmed as a stand alone exercise as well. 3-5
sets of 5-8 reps with a heavy working weight works well.


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