5 Ways to Improve Grip Strength

training Dec 13, 2021

Has your grip ever held you back? Do you rely on straps too much? Check out these 5
simple and effective ways to build brutal grip strength.

1) Double Overhand Grip:

Go back to basics. Save the lifting straps and hook grip
for your really heavy sets only. Just by lifting more often with a double overhand
grip you will improve your grip strength tremendously.

2) Towel Pull-Up:

This pull-up variation crushes your grip. With traditional pull-ups
you feel mostly the lats, with the towel pull-up you’ll feel it most in your biceps,
forearms and hands. Make sure to grip all the way around the towel and squeeze
your hands as hard as you can each rep. Your hands and forearms will get the
pump of a lifetime.

3) Farmers Carry:

No surprise here. Farmers carries are arguably the most
functional movement ever. This movement makes your entire body strong,
especially your grip. Dumbbells, kettlebells, a 5-gallon bucket of water, it doesn’t
matter...any heavy object you can carry in your hand works well. These can be
trained for both distance or time.

4) Dead Hangs:

Grip strength can and should be trained with your bodyweight as
well. When was the last time you performed a just dead hang from a bar for as
long as possible? If you’re already reasonably strong and really want to
strengthen your grip, try hanging from 1 arm. Be careful.

5) Legless Rope Climbs-

For those that are more advanced and if towel pull-ups
feel easy, start incorporating more legless rope climbs. No other exercise builds
more functional pulling strength or grip strength than legless rope climbs. And
just like in the movies, if you’re ever caught in a bad situation, having the grip
strength to hang onto a rope for dear life is never a bad thing ;)


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