4 Great Antagonist Supersets

training Dec 13, 2021

Want to get the most out of your training? Do Supersets. Not only do supersets make
your workouts more efficient and effective, they improve your body’s structural balance
when done with antagonist muscle groups. Check out these 4 “high value for time”

1) Nordic Curl + Ab rollout:

Want to build elite strength in both your posterior
chain and anterior chain? This superset is for you. No worries if you lack the
requisite strength to perform either movement, just perform a similar superset
with a glute ham raise on the GHR machine and a rollout from your knees. The
magic lies in the fact you’re strengthening both the front and back sides of your

2) Deadlift + L-sit:

Absolutely one the most elegant supersets you can do. The
deadlift strengthens the entire posterior chain improving your absolute strength
while the L-sit strengthens the entire anterior chain improving your relative
strength. Rather than wasting time recovering (sitting on your ass) between sets
of deadlifts, perform active recovery with an antagonist exercise that builds
strength and takes nothing away from your deadlift performance. This is a
beautiful exercise combination that everyone should try to build overall strength.

3) Bench Press+Band Pull-Apart:

Lifters love this superset. If you want a bigger
bench, build a stronger upper back. The upper back musculature serves as a
launch pad for the bench press, so while it may seem counterintuitive initially, the
larger the launch pad you build, the bigger numbers you can press. Not only that,
but band pull-aparts feel amazing in between sets of bench press and really
prime the upper body to perform.

4) KB Towel Curl+Bodyweight Skull Crusher:

An amazing superset that requires
very little equipment and can be done almost anywhere. These are my two
favorite isolation exercises as they simply offer you the biggest bang for your
buck if you want to put on both size and strength in your arms. The KB Towel
Curl develops incredible bicep and forearm strength, while the bodyweight skull
crusher provides a potent stimulus to the triceps. Complete arm training in just
two moves. Win-Win.


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