2 Effective Trap Exercises

training Dec 12, 2021

Building a set of respectable Traps is simple, but it’s not easy. Here are two tried-and-
true exercises to build big, strong, and functional traps.

1) Shrugs Sliding Against the Rack

 Similar to shrugs on a Smith Machine, but even
better in my opinion. Start by placing your toes in front of the bar so you’re off balance
and leaning against the rack. Be sure to get a big stretch at the bottom of every rep to
maximize the ROM on this exercise (a slight hip hinge is totally acceptable). By sliding
the bar against the rack, you create more resistance and isolate the traps far better than
conventional barbell shrugs. Use straps. Go heavy for 2-4 sets of 15-20 reps and that
should do the trick. Bonus tip: Perform a 15-20 second static hold at the bottom after the
final rep to really stretch the traps and maximize this exercise.

2) Heavy Trap Bar Carries

Arguably the best exercise to develop your traps. As
mentioned in the video, there’s few exercises more effective (or functional) than just
picking up something heavy and carrying it. This could easily be a toss-up with a heavy
farmers carry. I love both variations of weighted carries and consider them
interchangeable. However, the trap bar offers more stability since the hands are in a
fixed position and you’re carrying only one object instead of two. Trap Bar carries can
be performed as a stand alone exercise for brute strength, but can also be done as a
great finisher to your back/pulling day. Either way, your trap muscles can withstand a lot
of punishment, so best to use moderate to heavy loads for maximal benefit.


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